
Our vision

is to empower organizations to amplify their positive impact in order to drive social change. Together we shape a society that is characterized by conscious and future-oriented action.

Our mission

is to use our practical experience in impact management to enable people to plan and independently manage projects in an impact-oriented way. By linking practice and research, we increase and improve the available evidence of social innovation. We work on an equal footing and view every collaboration as a trusting, shared learning journey.

We are not A traditional

Acker Impact is more than just a traditional consulting firm. As a social enterprise, we support other organizations, with the aim of enabling them to work in an impact-oriented manner and implement change management processes independently. We want to share our extensive knowledge and expertise. Our team is made up of people with a wide range of backgrounds and extensive experience in the social sector. Together, we strive to bring about positive social change.


Anja Schoch

Co-Founder and Managing Director

The topics of social entrepreneurship and impact measurement enthused Anja even during her studies in politics — and have not let her go ever since. In recent years, she has set up and managed international projects. Especially in cooperation with American and British foundations, impact management was the focus in every project phase. Anja is an expert in Theory of Change, strategy development and quality assurance.

Dr. Christoph Schmitz

Co-Founder and Managing Director

Always keeping impact in mind and integrating it into structures and processes at an early stage: That is Christoph's mission. The agricultural and economics scientist is the founder of Acker. Together with the team, he now supports other social enterprises to act in an impact-oriented manner. At Acker Impact, Christoph uses his wealth of experience to advance and promote impact research continually.

Katja Mittag

Managing Director

With more than 15 years of experience in the non-profit sector, Katja understands how social enterprises work, what drives them and how they can have a sustainable impact. As Senior Manager Business Development at Acker e.V., she was responsible for the strategic development of educational programmes in cooperation with local authorities and managed internal organisational development projects. At betterplace.org, she spent several years shaping the product development strategy for NGOs as a target group and advised and supported organisations and private individuals in the areas of campaign planning and fundraising. As a passionate generalist, Katja always keeps an eye on the big picture and works primarily in the areas of business development, strategy, financing, partner and project management.

Impact management

Franzi Lutz

Co-Founder and Impact Management

Whether it's impact analysis, strategy or communication: Franzi has been involved in shaping the impact management department at Acker for almost ten years and now contributes her knowledge to Acker Impact with great enthusiasm. As a creative source of ideas, critical questioner and encourager, Franzi wants to strengthen the social impact of organizations that are committed to solving social problems in an innovative, pragmatic and long-term way.

Liana Heinrich

Impact Management

Acting in an impact-oriented manner and being economically successful at the same time: Liana supports organizations with her holistic solutions to make both possible. Our experienced impact manager develops impact strategies, impact pathways and structures as well as matching communication strategies. After completing her MBA in “Digital Transformation”, Liana worked for more than 20 years in business, administration and NGOs. She is also an expert in online marketing and change management.

Impact research

Dr. Sabine Topf

Head of Science and Business Development

Sabine's methodological toolbox is filled to the brim with diverse research approaches and analysis tools, packed during her teaching and research in Germany as well as abroad, and while working for non-profit organizations. She now wants to share her expertise with others. Sabine's mission is to strengthen impact research both in science and society, and build a sound and solid bridge between theory and practice.